BodyTalk can help with:
Brain Optimization
Emotional Blocks
Structural Alignment
Microbes - Viral/Bacterial
Sleep Issues
Hereditary Factors
Stress Relief
Vaccination Integration
Mindset Shifts
Fascial Rebalancing
Relationship Challenges
Toxic Burden
Intolerances / Allergies
Brain Function
Nervous Tension
Nagging Memories
Learning Challenges
What is a Session Like?
The session begins as the client describes their current
health challenges. The practitioner uses a Yes/No
biofeedback technique (similar to applied kinesiology) to
find the priority area to be addressed, such as the heart,
knee, an old scar, or a repressed memory.
The more advanced the practitioner is in their education,
more complex situations can be addressed​, which means
a quicker recovery and greater depth of healing. Each
session builds on the one before and simple steps lead
into deeper processes to achieve a balanced sense of
To integrate the session's procedures, light tapping is
used over the head, the heart and the navel, assisting the
bodymind to facilitate change and store this new memory
of health.
After the session, whether in-person or at a distance, clients
notice they feel lighter and more grounded, breathing is easier and they experience a brighter outlook. Their bodies feel
more mobile, while pain has decreased and symptoms have improved.
​BodyTalk sessions are scheduled for 30, 60, or 90 minutes.

30 Min: $55us ~ 60 Min: $100us